Nature is Congratulation

Sometimes, as she sat here, she imagined herself as her own distant ancestor: One step ahead of something large and hungry, she had leaped into branches and shinnied up a tall tree. At these times she looked out over the rooftops toward the sea, but did not, she said, see the cityscape. She saw savanna—the rolling, feminine, harsh yet nurturing plains of Africa. She felt her breath slow and her heart ease.

“Once our ancestors climbed high in that tree, there was something about looking out over the land—something that healed us quickly,” said Brooks. Resting in those high branches may have provided a rapid comedown from the adrenaline rush of being potential prey. “Biologically, we have not changed. We are still programmed to fight or flee large animals.Genetically, we are essentially the same creatures as we were at the beginning. We are still hunters and gatherers. Our ancestors couldn’t outrun a lion, but we did have wits. We knew how to kill, yes, but we also knew how to run and climb—and how to use the environment to recover our wits.”

Today, we find ourselves continually on the alert, chased by an unending stampede of two-thousand-pound automobiles and four-thousand-pound SUVs. Even inside our homes the assault continues, with unsettling, threatening images charging through the television cable into our living rooms and bedrooms. At the same time, the urban and suburban landscape is rapidly being stripped of its peace-inducing elements. 

A recent article in the New York Times has been all over my Facebook feed the past few days. Have you seen it? The article references a study about how spending 90 minutes walking in nature significantly modifies activity in the brain in an area (the subgenual prefrontal cortex) linked to rumination and brooding, precursors for depression. Rather by chance, my morning walk lasted about 90 minutes and the Pandora app on my phone was not working, so I incidentally tested out this experiment for myself. I’ve got to say, aside from feeling a little stiff and realizing that I need to move more than I do, I notice that I am more relaxed.
I’ve noticed, too, that my children are much more focused, sleep better, and are generally more easy-going after spending time outside. Lately I’ve begun to incorporate more mindful moments outdoors with each of them. This can take on various forms of yoga and mindfulness for my youngest children, who are under three years old. I only expect to keep them engaged for 15-20 minutes at this age. There’s a lot to do with yoga beyond the asanas/movement – I mix up the movement piece with mantras and pranayama (breath work), so we end up humming then moving, then breathing funny through silly faces. The point is to get them focused for any amount of time on their bodies and their breath, using the spaces in between activities to notice the stillness. Sometimes they copy my movement, other times I copy theirs. We pretend to be animals or other things from nature. When we can practice outside, we spend some of that time observing through our five senses, so there’s a mindfulness component to it. (We look at the sky, we listen for birds, smell the grass, crinkle leaves, feel the air, etc). The great thing about yoga is that it teaches you to listen to and trust the wisdom of your body, so all of this just helps them to create a daily practice doing that. Of course I don’t explain all that to the girls. My son, on the other hand, is older, so he can grasp the concepts.
For my oldest, we prefer to hike in nature. Our most recent adventure was through Ruby Falls, an underground waterfall, reached by walking about a mile and a half through winding tunnels of a cave deep within a mountain.

Of course our days are interspersed with electronics. These technological devices surely serve a purpose, both for functionality, as well as entertainment and education. But we try to maintain a balance and hope that most days tip the scales toward natural environments.

The beautiful words by Richard Louv written at the top of this post remind us how integral the Earth is for not only our physical survival, but for our psychological and emotional well-being, too. Do any of you have any fitness goals for the week? How will you spend more time in nature? I’d love to hear what you all are doing!

7 thoughts on “Nature is Congratulation

  1. Those photos are amazing, and those wee ones are super cute.
    I too try to be outside as much as possible, but with so much rain it’s been tough lately and my kids miss it. They really are much more focused and relax more easily after a long day outside among our trees and trails.
    This week I’m going to TRY and walk once a day even if it’s to and from the bus stop. I haven’t been able to since I was pregnant so here’s hoping. (Health issues)
    If I may ask, how did you introduce your to your little ones? I’d love to start!


    1. Hi! Thanks for the comment. So far as the yoga goes, modeling has been the best way for me, personally, to introduce it to my children. You know how they love to imitate us, especially at this stage. I learned I had to get creative with my own practice really quickly and make time for the workout part during their sleeping hours. Savasana is not the same when anticipating a two-toddler pile-on! I’m in the process of certification for LifeForce Yoga for mood management and expect to complete that this Spring. I’m hoping to complete the 200 hour training to become a registered yoga teacher later this year, and I will begin specialized classes to teach young children and families after that. Hopefully, I will be able to provide you some more concrete steps by that point!

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    1. Also, kudos to you for setting your daily intention. I remember those pregnant days very clearly (after all, I feel like I’m only now regaining strength and stamina since having the girls back to back). Let me know how it goes 🙂

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      1. I will! This was my last and fifth baby. I ended up having heart issues and Eclampsia. It really took a toll on me! Before I got pregnant this time I’d had no health issues ever. But my body just seems to be struggling even at 11 mo postpartum. 😖


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