Finding Courage through Fear and Vulnerability

Many ancient cultures believed that to know a thing’s true name was to wield great power over that thing. For example, in Rick Riordan’s The Red Pyramid, siblings Sadie and Carter must learn the secret name of the ominous Set, in order to defeat the tyrant and save the world from destruction. While the book [...]

Safety & Crisis Planning

You know the old adage...Hope for the best, plan for the worst. Often times when clients come to me, they’ve been stuck in crisis mode for themselves or a loved one. When safety is a concern, I address it as early as possible in therapy. This post will walk you through the process of creating [...]

OH! The Thinks You Can Think: A Brief Intro to CBT

When working with clients who experience a moderate level of anxiety, I often blend mindfulness based stress reduction with cognitive behavioral therapy. Anxiety affects the body physically as well as mentally. Think about it. Can you recall a time you felt anxious about something? A test, a performance, seeing a friend, a first date, speaking [...]