Warrior for Peace: Holding Space and Vicarious Trauma

In Warrior III, we're instructed to feel ourselves reaching in all four directions - the crown of the head, the heel of the extended foot, each of the arms in opposition. But I've always found that I best achieve balance when I sense extending into 6 directions: east, west, north, south - and down to [...]

Healing with Yoga

Wondering how yoga can help? Often chalked up to "just a bunch of stretching," this powerful practice is often underrated in its ability to heal. Yoga is not just a form of exercise, but rather a spiritual practice with a physical fitness component, harboring incredible transformative qualities for practitioners. David Emerson recognized that yoga could [...]

New Year for Positive Growth

As we ring in the new year with resolutions to eat better, exercise more, and generally adopt habits to better serve us, I want to support you in your goal for greater growth. Beginning now through January 31, counseling packages are available for a discounted rate. Register for 8 sessions for the price of 4! [...]

The Dangers of Survival Mode (pt 2)

In my previous post, I introduced how stress and fear impacts the brain and body. Sometimes the body's recovery from trauma is truncated, and symptoms of post traumatic stress can result. When these symptoms persist beyond one month after the incident, an individual is considered to meet diagnostic criteria for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). [...]

The Dangers of Survival Mode (pt 1)

Have you ever wondered what goes on in the brain when safety is threatened? It’s important for people (kids and adults alike) to have a basic understanding of brain anatomy and function. I typically explain it to children using Dan Siegel’s hand model of the brain. It’s pretty simple, so long as you can make [...]